Tell us a bit about yourself and how you ended up in San Francisco?
I am originally from Washington State. I came to visit my cousin in San Francisco when I was 17 and was completely enchanted by the city, so once I graduated college, I made the move. I work in marketing at Fireclay Tile, a sustainable tile manufacturer, where I oversee Partnerships + PR--I love it because I get to think/talk about design and color all day. I live here with my husband and our dog, penny. I love to be outside, take photos, read, relax and cook.
Where did you travel and what drew you to each place?
Milan, Corsica, Tuscany, and Barcelona.
Our dear friends Matteo and Dee moved to Milan a couple of years ago and we’d been wanting to go visit them. They actually proposed the Corsica and Tuscany portion and planned it all out, which was such a gift. It was so special to get to travel with them. I cannot wait to do it again.
I had been to Tuscany as a teenager and was more than happy to go back and discover it was just as wonderful as I remember it, if not more so. And with Corsica, all it took was having Dee send us a picture of one of its beaches and we were sold.
We ended up in Barcelona simply because we got such a good deal on our flights and neither of us had ever been. But it really was the perfect way to end the trip, we loved wandering around the city and also all the food...How did you spend your days?
Exploring, swimming, sunbathing, eating, talking, reading, cooking and playing dominos.
What was your favorite place and why?
Corsica because it was truly like a dream. The crystal clear water made for the best swimming of my life. What is your favorite place you have ever traveled?
It is so hard to play favorites with places, but Corsica immediately made its way on to my list, along with Zion National Park and Australia.
Did you gain any new perspectives or inspirations?
I need to travel more. I am a habitual person—to a fault—and traveling is the best way for me to loosen up a bit.
I am motivated to finally learn Spanish and I am also very into the idea of scuba diving after spending so many hours underwater on this trip. (Both of these are to Domingo’s delight).
Lastly, we discovered late 80s French music from a radio station called Nostalgie in Corsica. I’ve had Quande La Ville Dort by Niagara on repeat since we got back...
What do you think about when packing for a trip?
Ease—choosing items that pair easily with one another.
Practicality—what makes the most sense for the place and season.
Favorites—I always pack the clothes I live in, aka a gray crew neck sweatshirt, a pair of Levi’s and truthfully a lot of First Rite. Along with whatever pieces I am loving most at the moment.
Where would you like to go next?
I would really like to see southern Spain and Morocco. However, we were talking about how we would 100% go back to Corsica next summer to see parts of the island we missed, along with Sardinia. Portraits by Domingo Robledo
Still life by Kali Robledo